Thursday, May 17, 2007

Catching up with technology

Technology is here to stay and take over not only education but also the business world. Being an educator I am feeling responsible to catch up with technology to make use of it for educational purposes.
Young generation is so advance in technology that we educators need to run to catch up with them. Parents' of young people who are using internet to socialize or have circle/web of friends are unable to help their children to be safe online, therefore, it is educators job to help students to be safe online plus use this fantastic tool to learn.


Mr. Jumisko said...

SOmetimes it feels like we are running just to keep up. I get what you are saying.

Lore said...

I agree with what you're saying, but I also think that parents may need some education as well on how these new online tools are opening up doors to communicating with others, and how to keep their children as safe as possible. The students will need reinforcement as to the importance of safety online (as well as generally), and this should come from informed parents.

Mrs. Avanesian said...

Oh, that feels so good that there are people who understand what I wanted to say. The fact that now we are in the era of global citizenship makes it more necessary to incorporate or use technology as a tool in education. But I have another idea which is a bit scary but I think very true and that is the fact that no matter how much educators try there is still the need to wait for one generation of educators to change in order to have educators that are comfortable using technology as a tool to educate the next generation.

Robert H said...

Technology is advancing so fast that that will probably never happen. I can imagine the kids of tomorrow laughing at my antiquated iPod wondering how they ever got along without their ear implants or mind reading devices or whatever they come up with.

Mrs. Avanesian said...

Well, I am trying to make use of my wiki but I am back to square one. I was uploading some pictures from my class and class activities that we have done this year but I went back and erased all pictures that my students were shown. I am worried about having my students picture online. Am I being paranoid or I do need to be cautious. If you know anything please let me know. Today I recorded my class singing a song but I am not confident to post it in my wiki. Please enlighten me if I can do what I want to do, to share my classwork for my students to have access to.


John Rivera said...

Your comments are right on target. But they are better served as posts so we can respond to them. Let me know if you would like some help posting a new entry instead of adding comments.

Mrs. Avanesian said...

Yes John I am having hard time to post a new posting, I can't find the right place to post my new blog. I'll try one more thing, I'll try to go to my blog from outside and not from class page.

Robert H said...

I believe that you do need signed parental consent before publishing any student photos or identifying information. The ITD page off of the LAUSD Website should have a link to the form that you need.